We've met so many new friends on this amazing journey!
It's hard to convey how excited & inspired people become when we tell them what we're up to. Every day we have been blown away by their support from bag pipe receptions to home cooked meals and staying in homes, to the over £600 GBP in small cash donations that we have been handed.
To further raise awareness and aid to find a cure, we are kindly asking you, our friends, to ask 3 of your friends to donate $1/1£. Every donation will get us closer to finding a cure, and if they encourage their friends to donate, we could make a huge impact in a very short period.
Also, please have your friends put your name in the comment section of the donation page and there will be special awards for the individuals who get the most referrals or donations.
To make this easy for you, we have a very simple template below that you can you can cut and paste into an email, message, text, Social media post, etc.
Please donate $1/1£ at the links below, of course you can also donate more if you want too!
USA: https://walk4parkinsons.org/donate/
Europe: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/thelongwalk
Thank you so much for your support, together will make a big impact!
Hello, I am supporting the long walk for Parkinson's which is a 670 mile walk to raise awareness and research dollars to find it here. They have a donation campaign for $1/1£ and I would appreciate it if you would donate and ask three of your friends to do the same. Please note my name in the comments.
Thank You!
Please donate at the links below: